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Ruby's Merit Badge is an episode of Max & Ruby from season one.

Characters Present[]


Bunny Scout Ruby tries to earn her very first merit badge. Max helps Ruby get her badge - only it's not the one she expected.


Louise comes over to see Ruby before Bunny Scout Leader comes to take them to Bunny Scouts. Ruby looks at all Louise's merit badges: Citizenship, Hiking, Beekeeping, and First Aid. Ruby says that the First Aid Merit Badge is the one she wants to earn so Louise decides to help Ruby practice First Aid before Bunny Scout Leader comes over. Max asks for a popsicle but Ruby says that she'll get him one later. Max tries to get one himself but he can't reach the freezer. Max wanting his popsicle uses his stool, opens the refrigerator (his loose bandage ends up stuck under the stool without him noticing) and opens the freezer and gets a popsicle and gets off the stool to eat it. However before he could get the chance, his fire truck comes in the kitchen, bumps into him and ends up accidentally taking his popsicle prompting Max to chase the fire truck to get it back (and forgetting to close the fridge). He chases around and around and under the kitchen table numerous times tying it up in knots. As Louise and Ruby show Bunny Scout Leader they are shocked by what Max did, Bunny Scout Leader explains that the knots Max tied are perfect and proceeds to pin a knot badge on Ruby's sash. Louise is surprised and tells Ruby she doesn't have it. Bunny Scout Leader removes one of the bandages from Max's foot and ties an additional knot as she tells her it's a very hard merit badge and asks how she did it. Max then smiles and says to her "popsicle".


  • In the 25th episode of Max & Ruby, Max's Birthday, Max receives his wind-up lobster toy. This toy is shown in this episode, though it aired nine episodes before Max's Birthday.
    • This may have took place after Max's Birthday.
    • This also occurs in some of the first 15 episodes.
  • Ruby's "Knots" merit badge can be seen her sash numerous times throughout the episode before she actually earns it.
    • It could have been possible if it took place after that.
  • This is the first episode in which Bunny Scout Leader appears.
  • This is also the first episode where Mrs. Huffington, Mr. Huffington and Baby Huffington appeared, albeit as cameos instead of major roles.
    • This could have took place after Quiet Max, which explains the presence of the Huffington Family.


  • Ruby's "Knots" merit badge can be seen her sash numerous times throughout the episode before she actually earns it.
  • When Max goes to chase his fire truck to get his popsicle, he forgets to close the fridge and it is still open, but when Bunny Scout leader asks Ruby how she did the knots, the fridge is closed. However, it’s possible that someone closed the fridge after Max got his popsicle back from his fire truck off-screen.
    • In real life, leaving your refrigerator open too long would cause most of the food in it (if not all) to spoil.
      • A popsicle also stuck in a toy firetruck while driving away too long (if not in package) can also melt all over the toy.