Max & Ruby Wiki

Note: This fanfiction is based on a dream I had last night.

Today, Ruby and Louise decided to do another Princess play.

“Let’s do Sleeping Beauty!” said Ruby.

I had come round to Ruby’s house as her babysitter. I asked if I could be a voiceover in their play, but they didn’t let me. They decided to call the Sleeping Beauty Briar Rose and for Louise to play her. She had also brought her cousin, Morris, to play the Prince. They tried for him to do a deep voice, but he couldn’t, so they asked me to do it. Finally, I could be a voiceover. The play was a success. Ruby’s Grandma came to see it, along with Ruby’s dolls. Louise had a pink dress on while playing Briar Rose.

After the play, we made merchandise on it. I made a stick toy based on Briar Rose, which I gave to Louise. All in all, I had a good time at the rabbit’s house.

The End.

The Briar Rose stick toy